Concurs Blitz/Jazz - etapa 1

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1Ioan Cosmin Szanto3.5 1000 1:0 19616Illes Sandor-Ferenc
2Ferenczi Sandor-Levente3 1921 1:0 20415Puskas Janos
3Duma Ioan-Gheorghe4 1852 1:0 18573Fugulyan Grigore
4Capota Radu-Mircea3 1583 1:0 10000Szekely Attila
5Szanto Cristian2.5 1000 0:1 17312.5Chiheri Alexandru-Virgil
6Chereches Marius-Calin1 1408 1:0 10002.5Gheorghe Radu
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)